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$4,225 Donated to date

FilterFund is a social enterprise created by artist Reed Anderson as a way for artists to transform the

cultural currency they create into real life capital for non-profit organizations. Presently, FilterFund is in it's

infancy with a plan to grow into a curated site of international artists with the same mission, to share their

work while giving back to organizations and communities that they care about. We will change the organizations

in our donations menu from time to time and if you have a suggestion reach out and contact us! 

For information about Reed and what he does click on Reed Anderson in the menu bar.


Dear Developers: At the moment this site is created on a simple WIX store platform.

If you are a web developer and are interested in helping to create the larger dynamic change

that this site aims to bring into the world please contact us, we would love to hear from you.


Please note that other than donation value FilterFund does not share site or personal information

with anyone. Please contact us if you would like further details regarding our privacy policy. 

© 2021 FilterFund

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